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Asked by: Lory Koessler
home and garden home appliancesHow do you get blood stains out of cotton fabric?
Soak the stained fabric in white vinegar foraboutthirty minutes, then rub the stain with your fingersas yourinse it in cool water. Repeat if the stain isnoticeablyimproved but still present. Try hydrogenperoxide.
Also asked, how do you get blood stains out of cotton?
How To Get Period Stains Out: 10 Ways to Remove BloodfromFabric
- Run lightweight fabrics under cold water.
- Up your laundry game with blood-removal products.
- Rub salt or saline solution on the stain.
- Apply hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice to the stain.
- Or, try scrubbing out the stain with aspirin orbakingsoda.
- It's weird, but it can actually work: meat tenderizer!
Considering this, how do you remove set in blood stains?
Tips on How to Get Blood Stains Out of Sheets
- Use cold water. If you want to remove blood stains quickly,youwill need to wash the blood off as soon as possible.
- Use an enzyme cleaner.
- Apply lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide.
- Meat tenderizer.
- Salt.
- Stain stick.
- Cornstarch.
- Cola.
As odd as it might sound, toothpaste isaneffective blood stain removal. Rinse thetoothpasteaway with cold water. You may need to rub thefabric a bit duringthis process. Wash the stained area with soapand rinse thoroughlywith cold water.