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Asked by: Redha Ayache
style and fashion mens sportswearHow do you get colored cornstarch out of clothes?
In respect to this, does colored cornstarch wash out of clothes?
The cleanup: It may only be colored cornstarch, but the powder can still stain. First off, do not wear anything that you'll be upset to lose. While the colored powder may come out in the wash, there's a good chance it won't depending on how much it's set.
Similarly, you may ask, how do you keep colored cornstarch on clothes?
How to Save the Color In Your Color Fun Run T-Shirt
- Don't Shake Off Excess Color Run Powder.
- Lay Your Shirt Flat And Soak With White Vinegar.
- Keep Your Shirt Flat To Dry.
- Iron The Shirt To Set The Color.
- Toss The Shirt In The Dryer.
Soak the garment in a solution of washing soda dissolved in cold water – this will help to avoid setting the colour. Then wash the garment again, using the colour run dye reversal product. At the end of the day, the best solution may be to simply avoid buying clothes with extreme colour contrasts on the same garment.