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Asked by: Fransisca Dai
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you get command strips off the wall?
Considering this, how do you take command strips off the wall?
You can still get it off damage-free by followingthesesimple steps:
- Blow on the bracket & adhesive for 20-30seconds with ahairdryer.
- Use dental floss or fishing line to gently "cut" throughthefoam adhesive strip until it releases from the wall.
Simply so, do Command strips ruin walls?
Using the revolutionary Command Adhesive, sticktomany surfaces, including paint, wood, tile and more. Yet, theyalsocome off leaving no holes, marks, sticky residue orstains.Rehanging them is as easy as applying a CommandRefillStrip, so you can take down, move and reuse them againandagain.
Leave for at least one hour beforerehanging/reattaching.Q: How long willCommand™ products stayup for? A:Command™ adhesive is designed to stay inplace for aslong as you need it to, and will stay put formanyyears. Therefore Command™ Hooks andbe usedas temporary or permanent hanging solutions.