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Asked by: Ninive Zounon
home and garden home appliancesHow do you get curry oil stains out of clothes?
Similarly, you may ask, how do you get turmeric and oil stains out of clothes?
To remove turmeric stains, start by mixingbakingsoda and water to make a paste. Then, scrub the paste intothestains before machine washing your garment with hotwater.You can also try blotting the stains with a mixture ofwhitevinegar, warm water, and dish soap, which can helpthestains fade.
In this regard, are curry stains permanent?
Unfortunately, it is those same spices thatcanpermanently stain if the curry spill is notremovedquickly. They are even used to dye fabrics. Learn how tosave yourclothing, carpet, and upholstery aftercurryspills.
Apply Dishwashing Soap and Ammonia Solution Mix one teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergentandone-fourth cup household ammonia with two cups warm water. Dipaclean white cloth or sponge into the solution and blot thestainedarea. Work from the outside edge of the stain towardthecenter to prevent spreading.