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Asked by: Rizwana Awerianoff
home and garden home appliancesHow do you get drool stains out of pillows?
Combine one cup of white, distilled vinegar with a1/2cup of cool water. Apply the vinegar mixture to thestainwith a clean cloth and allow it to penetrate thefabric for30 minutes. Wash and dry the pillow or cover,according tocare label instructions.
Keeping this in view, how do you get stains out of pillows?
- Blot a wet stain with a clean cloth immediately.
- Pretreat the stain before washing.
- Fill a laundry room or large sink with warm water and acapfulof liquid laundry detergent.
- Squeeze the pillow of excess water and check thestain'sappearance.
- Empty the sink of dirty water, and fill it with warmrinsewater.
Also to know, how do you get rid of drool marks?
Method 1 Removing Stains with aVinegarSolution
- Mix together vinegar, water, baking soda, and milddishdetergent.
- Use the solution on water-safe clothing, upholstery, andhardsurfaces.
- Spray the cleaning solution onto the stain.
- Wipe away the solution with a damp cloth.
One of the most common reasons why pillowscanturn yellow is sweat. Depending on the type of fabricyourpillowcase is made from, sweat can seep through the fabric. Asthesweat dries, it can leave a yellow stain onthepillow. Even if one uses pillow covers underneaththepillow cases, the yellowing canstilloccur.