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Asked by: Domenec Mazouz
hobbies and interests stamps and coinsHow do you get Glarial's Pebble Osrs?
In this manner, how do you get Glarial's amulet again?
If lost, you can recover the amulet in the western chest inside Glarial's Tomb. To enter the tomb, you must be carrying Glarial's pebble, and have no armour, weapons, or runes equipped or in your inventory. You can get duplicate amulets by dropping the amulet, getting a new one, and picking it up again.
Additionally, how do you get to Waterfall dungeon Osrs?
The dungeon can be accessed during and after the completion of the Waterfall Quest and is an important destination of that quest. Players must have Glarial's amulet to gain entry to the dungeon (It is only needed to enter the dungeon; once you have entered it you can unequip it if you want to wear another amulet.
The Roving Elves To start the quest, you must locate Islwyn, who can be found roaming Isafdar, the forest in Tirannwn. He and his companion Eluned can be found in one of two clearings at any one time, and he will switch between them every 5 minutes.