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Asked by: Johan Cappelletti
medical health skin and dermatologyHow do you get ice pick acne scars?
Similarly, it is asked, how do you get rid of ice pick acne scars?
A punch excision is a method that involves cutting outthe ice pick scar. After the excision process, your skin isclosed up from all sides. Punch excision is one of the mosteffective treatments for ice pick scars. However, you'llstill be left with a thin scar in its place.
Thereof, can ice pick scars heal on their own?
Boxcar scars may fade, but won'tcompletely go away on their own. However, treatmentcan improve the appearance of boxcar scars in mostpeople by 50 to 75 percent. After treatment, they may not benoticeable anymore.
If your skin has rolling or wave likescars, it's likely you've got rolling acne scars. Theycan look almost like tiny saucers, and usually givethe skin a wavy texture. Rolling scars are almost always aresult of long-term inflammatory acne.