Asked by: Willan Marrafa
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How do you get Metagross in Pokemon Black 2?

  1. Beat the Elite 4 and Champion. You need to do this in order toaccess the Giant Chasm.
  2. Go to the Giant Chasm.
  3. Go to the forest area of it.
  4. Go to an area of grass, and wait until a patch rustles.
  5. Go into the shaking grass.
  6. A wild Metagross will appear after a while.

Similarly, you may ask, how do you get Beldum in Pokemon Black 2?

You can find a metang in Giant Chasm inpokémon black 2 & white 2. In thePokemon Ruby you will get him for free on lv5 afterbeating elite 4. He will lay in pokeball in Steven house(MossdeepCity). you can encounter beldum in a trainer battle with apreschool by the pokemon day care.

how does Metang evolve in Pokemon Black? Metang evolves from Beldum starting atlevel 20, and evolves into Metagross starting Black.It is formed by two Beldum joining together. Its steel bodywon't be. Pokemon GO Metang Stats | Max CP | Moves |Spawn Locations | Evolution Requirements It's Weak to Fire,Ground, Dark and more Type Moves.

Keeping this in view, how do you get Metang?

You can receive a Beldum from Steven Stone's house afteryou beat the Elite Four and the Champion. After that, you can breedthe Beldum / Metang / Metagross with Ditto to receive moreBeldum.

Where can I find Ditto in Pokemon Black 2?

  • 1 vote. Only in the Giant Chasm's forest, where it has a 15%chance to appear. There is also a Hidden Grotto in that locationthat may hold a Ditto with its Dream World ability, Impostor.
  • 0 votes. Giant Chasm. Source.
  • 0 votes. I actually found mine on victory road, near thebadge-checking area.

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Where is the giant chasm in Pokemon Black?

Giant Chasm
  • Giant Chasm. You'll arrive at the Giant Chasm area simply byheading north from Route 13, which itself lies just east ofLacunosa Town.
  • The Forest. The forested area is designed like a maze.
  • Battle Kyurem. When you appear in the new cave, make sure thatyour pokemon are all in great shape.

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To reach Giant Chasm, go to Humilau City, thennorth to Route 22, and go to the northwest corner of the route tofind the cave entrance to Giant Chasm.

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What is a good Moveset for Metagross?

Meteor Mash: STAB,good power, decent accuracy anda chance to raise attack. Earthquake: Good power,good accuracy, Deals with Fire weakness. Ice Punch: Almostas strong as Earthquake due to Nevermeltice, deals with Groundweakness and type coverage.

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2 Answers. Sorry but you can't get one inwhite 2, but you can get one in black 2 as agift from Benga for defeating him in blacktower.

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How rare is shiny Beldum?

If spawn rates stay the same, that means that it's about3-5% to get a shiny. So that's anywhere from 1 in 20 to 1 in35 Beldum catches should get you a shiny. As ever,sometimes your luck may be way better than that, but it could alsobe worse, and it's common for players to sometimes go 50-100catches without one.

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Does Metagross evolve?

Metagross (Japanese: ????? Metagross) is adual-type Steel/Psychic pseudo-legendary Pokémon introducedin Generation III. It evolves from Metang starting atlevel 45. It is the final form of Beldum. It can MegaEvolve into Mega Metagross using theMetagrossite.

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How do you catch Metagross?

  1. Beat the Elite 4 and Champion. You need to do this in order toaccess the Giant Chasm.
  2. Go to the Giant Chasm.
  3. Go to the forest area of it.
  4. Go to an area of grass, and wait until a patch rustles.
  5. Go into the shaking grass.
  6. A wild Metagross will appear after a while.

Manole Brinkschroder


Is Metagross good in Pokemon go?

Moves Metagross has one optimal moveset. BulletPunch and Meteor Mash. This makes it the best steel type, agreat raid counter and a good gym attacker. Metagrossis not a good Psychic user as his moves arelacking.

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Can you breed Metagross in Emerald?

You can breed a Metagross, Metang,or Beldum with a Ditto and get a Beldum.Airah!

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Is Metang a legendary?

Tyranitar and Metagross are the onlypseudo-legendary Pokémon that are not Dragon-type.Tyranitar and Kommo-o are the only pseudo-legendaryPokémon that have a unique type combination. Salamence andMetagross have the highest base Attack of all non-Mega-Evolvedpseudo-legendary Pokémon, with 135.

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What level does Beldum?

Beldum (Japanese: ???? Dumbber) is a dual-typeSteel/Psychic Pokémon introduced in Generation III. Itevolves into Metang starting at level 20, whichevolves into Metagross starting at level 45.

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Shelgon (Japanese: ???? Komoruu) is a Dragon-typePokémon introduced in Generation III. It evolves fromBagon starting at level 30 and evolves into Salamencestarting at level 50.

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Gabite (Japanese: ???? Gabite) is adual-type Dragon/Ground Pokémon introduced in Generation IV.It evolves from Gible starting at level 24 andevolves into Garchomp starting at level 48.

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Can you get Ditto in Pokemon Black?

You can find Ditto in the Giant Chasm. There is alink Here to tell you what levels they are. Well,Ditto is found in the Giant Chasm while walking in theplains. Ditto can be found between level 53 and55.

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Where is ditto in Pokemon White?

White a lot of older pokemon aren'tattainable in Pokemon Black and White, Dittois still around. Ditto can only be caught in the fields atGiant Chasm, and will be between level 53 and 55 when encounteredin normal areas, or between level 63 and 65 when encountered inthick grass.

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The Day Care is located on Route 3, which meansyou won't be able to breed in Black 2 and White 2until after the Pokemon League.

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