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Asked by: Willan Marrafa
family and relationships single lifeHow do you get Metagross in Pokemon Black 2?
- Beat the Elite 4 and Champion. You need to do this in order toaccess the Giant Chasm.
- Go to the Giant Chasm.
- Go to the forest area of it.
- Go to an area of grass, and wait until a patch rustles.
- Go into the shaking grass.
- A wild Metagross will appear after a while.
Similarly, you may ask, how do you get Beldum in Pokemon Black 2?
You can find a metang in Giant Chasm inpokémon black 2 & white 2. In thePokemon Ruby you will get him for free on lv5 afterbeating elite 4. He will lay in pokeball in Steven house(MossdeepCity). you can encounter beldum in a trainer battle with apreschool by the pokemon day care.
Keeping this in view, how do you get Metang?
You can receive a Beldum from Steven Stone's house afteryou beat the Elite Four and the Champion. After that, you can breedthe Beldum / Metang / Metagross with Ditto to receive moreBeldum.
- 1 vote. Only in the Giant Chasm's forest, where it has a 15%chance to appear. There is also a Hidden Grotto in that locationthat may hold a Ditto with its Dream World ability, Impostor.
- 0 votes. Giant Chasm. Source.
- 0 votes. I actually found mine on victory road, near thebadge-checking area.