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Asked by: Nissrine Bohigas
home and garden home improvementHow do you get mold and mildew out of fabric?
Furthermore, how do you get mold stains out of fabric?
To get mold out of clothing, start by scrubbing the mold off with a toothbrush. Next, apply a stain remover to the mold, allow it to soak in for at least 30 minutes, and then wash the fabric by itself in hot water. Once the washer has filled with water, you can add vinegar to remove any mildew smells.
Furthermore, how do you get mildew out of fabric without bleach?
For tough stains, saturate the mildew with undiluted white vinegar and let it sit for five minutes. Apply a generous amount of baking soda to an abrasive sponge and scrub until stains disappear. You can kill and clean mildew without bleach by using these non-caustic substitutes.
Combine lemon juice and salt to make a thick paste and rub it into mildewed-infested areas on clothing. Quickly dry affected garments in direct sunlight, then, if the stain is still there, do it all again. Repeat the process until the mildew is gone. Water and vinegar is another simple way to rid clothing of mildew.