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Asked by: Emerito Pollich
hobbies and interests card gamesHow do you get more boxes in Pokemon moon?
Like in Gen VI, place at least one Pokemoninevery box you have and log out of the PC. Go backinand you will have an extra free box. Continuefillingyour PC Boxes and logging out and eventually you'llmax outat 32 PC boxes.
Similarly one may ask, what is the max amount of boxes in Pokemon sun?
The max number of boxes is 32.
In this manner, how many Pokemon fit in a box?
??????????? Pokémon Storage System)allowsPokémon to be stored and transmitted ascomputerdata, and allows Trainers to keep more than thesixPokémon allowed in the party.
There are total 807 Pokemontillnow. There are seven generations ofPokemon.These 807 fictional species Pokemon consistof a collectiblevariety of monsters.