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Asked by: Elian Schirp
music and audio tv and film podcastsHow do you get my Instagram account back if I forgot my password and email?
- Open the Instagram app on your mobiledeviceandenter your last known email addressorphonenumber.
- Tap Forgot password?
- Tap Need more help?
- Follow the on-screen instructions tosubmitasupport request.
Likewise, people ask, how do I log into Instagram if I forgot my password and email?
To reset your password, firstopentheInstagram app. On the login screen, tapGethelpsigning in (Android) or Forgot Password(iOS)belowLog In. From there: On Android: select UseUsernameorEmail, Send an SMS or Log In withFacebook,thenenter your information and followtheon-screeninstructions.
Also asked, what do u do if u forgot ur Instagram password?
If you can't remember yourpassword,youcan reset it using your email address,phone number orFacebookaccount. If you're not able to resetyourpasswordthis way, open the Instagram appforadditional help. Toreset your password, first opentheInstagramapp.
- Go to the Delete Your Account page. If you're notloggedintoInstagram on the web, you'll be asked to log infirst.
- Select an option from the drop-down menu next to Whyareyoudeleting your account? and re-enter your password.
- Click or tap Permanently delete my account.