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Asked by: Sirats Windsor
hobbies and interests paintingHow do you get old paint out of clothing?
Just so, how do I get dried paint out of clothes?
Apply an alcohol-based cleaner, like nail-varnishremover, hairspray, or rubbing alcohol to the stain with a cleandry cloth to break down the dried plastic surface.(Remember to test the solution on a hidden area of the garmentfirst). Then, follow the instructions above for removingwater-based paints.
Also asked, how do you remove dried paint?
How to Remove Dry Latex Paint
- Apply the solvent liberally to the paint with a rag or a cottonswab.
- Wait for the paint to soften.
- Scrape as much of the softened paint away as possible.
- Soak a rag with the solvent or cleaner and wipe away theresidue after you've scraped off as much as you can.
To remove dried spray paint from yourclothes, start by using a butter knife or your finger nailto scrape away the paint from the fabric. Next,spray the stain with an alcohol-based cleaner, likehairspray or nail polish remover, to break the bonds in thepaint so they can be washed away.