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Asked by: Yunaida Elfi
style and fashion mens shoes and footwearHow do you get paint off mesh shoes?
Method 2 Removing Dry Water-Based orAcrylicPaint
- Brush off the excess paint. Use a coarse brushortoothbrush to flake off the dried excesspaint.
- Apply a soapy mixture to the stain.
- Scrape off the softened paint.
- Rub with detergent solution.
- Apply nail polish remover.
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How to Get Spray Paint off Shoes
- Wipe the area with a damp cloth as soon as the paint gets ontheshoe. When the paint is still wet, it is very simple to removeandwill not require any chemicals.
- Apply some paint thinner to a dry cloth and gently rubtheaffected area.
- Clean the paint off using a solvent such as turpentine orpurealcohol.
- Launder your mesh fabric if you can safely run it throughawashing machine.
- Mix a drop of mild liquid detergent into a cup of water.
- Dampen a cloth with the soapy water solution.
- Spray the stain with a dry cleaning solvent.
- Dry the mesh material in direct sunlight.
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Fingernail Polish
- Dip a cotton swab or cloth into the fingernailpolishremover.
- Gently dab the polish remover onto the paint.
- Keep dabbing until the paint begins to come off onto theclothor cotton swab.
- You may need to use several cotton swabs or pieces of clothinorder to remove all of the paint.
But the solvent might also damage or removethefinish, so it's usually best to try weaker denatured alcoholornaphtha first. The solvent strength makes acetoneexcellentfor removing paints and finishes, so it is acommoningredient in paint and varnish removers.