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Asked by: Daymi Shum
hobbies and interests paintingHow do you get rid of brush strokes in chalk paint?
Similarly one may ask, why is my chalk paint showing brush strokes?
If you want to not have brush marks on your chalk painted furniture, do these key things. They might sound small, but they'll result in a smooth finish! If after the first coat you have a run or brush strokes, just lightly sand the problem areas. Clean off the dust from sanding and continue to the second coat.
In respect to this, how do you get a smooth finish with chalk paint?
How-To Tuesday: Create a Smooth Finish with Chalk Paint – No Brush Strokes!
- Wipe piece clean.
- Wood filler.
- Mix your paint.
- Apply the paint.
- Apply the second coat and finish by stroking in the opposite direction from the first coat.
- Sanding.
- Distress.
- Wax.
There is a potential downside to a poly finish that isn't an issue with wax. Poly topcoats can sometimes pull tannins from the wood through the porous chalk paint, creating yellowish (or sometimes pink) spots. Wax doesn't react with the wood the same way a poly does, which is why this doesn't happen with wax.