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Asked by: Emerito Teckentrup
hobbies and interests beekeepingHow do you get rid of green shield bugs on tomato plants?
Similarly, you may ask, how do I get rid of green shield bugs?
How to get rid of the green stink bug physically
- Vacuum the bugs up. An industrial vacuum is a great tool to get rid of the bugs.
- Wallop them with soapy water. The second easy to do remedy is to use any good dish detergent in a bucket of water.
- Use an insect electrocution system.
- Spread fly tape along entryways.
In this regard, how do you get rid of aphids on tomato plants?
Aphids soft bodies also make them susceptible to most insecticidal sprays. They'll be controlled by horticultural oils, insecticidal soaps, neem oil, or homemade treatments. To make a homemade aphid spray, mix 1 tbsp vegetable oil and a few drops of dish soap in a quart of water.
Kill the bugs with rubbing alcohol, bleach, or ammonia. Knock the stink bugs into the solution using a popsicle stick or gloved hand, or pick the bugs up with tweezers. You could also dilute one part rubbing alcohol with three parts water inside a spray bottle. Attack stink bugs with this solution as you see them.