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Asked by: Ventsislava Antonius
medical health dental healthHow do you get rid of inflamed gums with braces fast?
- Change your diet. Try eating softer foods and drinking moreliquids.
- Be gentle yet diligent when you floss and brush routinely.
- Gargle with warm saltwater.
- Massaging the gums can help.
- Break those bad habits – avoid biting your nails andchewing on hard objects like pens.
Consequently, is it normal for your gums to swell when you have braces?
Swollen gums are actually one of the mostcommon byproducts of braces, but in most cases, a fewhabit changes and proper cleaning techniques canalleviate the irritation that causes swollengums.
Also, how long does it take for swollen gums to go down after braces?
You should also know that your gums may bea bit inflamed after getting your braces off, butthis should go away within a few days as long as youproperly brush and floss. The inflammation is normal and typicallycomes from the process of removing the bonding plastic from thetooth enamel.
A person with gum disease will typically have one ormore of the following signs and symptoms: Bright red, swollengums that bleed very easily, even during brushing orflossing. A bad taste or persistent mouth odor. Gums thatlook like they're pulling away from the teeth.