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Asked by: Edesia Alcorlo
food and drink cookingHow do you get rid of limescale in a glass kettle?
- Mix the baking soda into the water.
- Pour water into the electric kettle and let itboil.
- Allow the solution soak for 20 minutes.
- Dump the solution in the sink and rinse the kettlewithclean water.
Thereof, how do I get rid of limescale in my kettle?
For a hassle-free and cheap way toremovelimescale, fill the kettle with a mixture of halfwhitevinegar and half water, and leave to soak overnight.(Makesure the kettle is unplugged and there's a noteon it sonobody uses it accidentally!). In the morning, thelimescalewill come off easily.
- Mix a vinegar solution. Vinegar can help descale anelectrickettle and remove build up from hard water.
- Boil the solution in the kettle. To clean the inside ofthekettle and remove limestone stains, turn on the kettle withthesolution inside.
- Let the kettle soak.
- Scrub the inside.
- Rinse to remove the vinegar.
Herein, is limescale in Kettle bad for you?
Limescale comes from the high concentrationofcalcium found in the hard water we drink, so it will notcauseyou harm if you consume some from yourkettleor coffee maker. However, there is no research whichshows thatdrinking hard water increases your risk of developingkidneystones.
Yes really! Coca cola is an effective waytoget rid of limescale in your kettle because of thecarbonicacid in it. Don't worry, the way it dissolveslimescale inyour electric kettle doesn't cause the sameeffect in your stomachlining.