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Asked by: Reghina Habermanns
medical health dental healthHow do you get rid of plaque with braces?
- Remove Plaque. To clean your braces andteeth thoroughly and remove plaque, you should brush aroundall parts of your dental braces and all of the surfaces ofyour teeth.
- Use a Sonic Toothbrush. A manual toothbrush works well if youuse it correctly.
- Floss Every Day.
Simply so, how do you get plaque off your teeth with braces?
Floss, floss, floss. No matter how good you are with atoothbrush, dental floss is the only way to removeplaque between your teeth and keep tartar out ofthese hard-to-reach areas. Rinse daily. Use an antiseptic mouthwashdaily to help kill bacteria that cause plaque.
Similarly, you may ask, can you get teeth cleaned while wearing braces?
Why Cleaning Your Teeth with Bracesis Important Neglecting to clean your teeth while wearingbraces can also lead to decalcification, which leaves whitestains around your brackets that are visible when yourbraces are removed.
However, bad breath that develops only aftergetting braces is almost certainly caused by poor oralhygiene. Bacteria feeds on food particles left in yourmouth, and this bacteria creates odor. This means that any tinybits of food that are stuck in brackets or between teeth willcontribute to bad breath.