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- Don't feed them. If you feed them, they will come.
- Remove what attracts them. The sight and smell offallenfruit, nuts and seeds lures squirrels.
- Scare them.
- Spray them.
- Exclude them.
- Deter them.
- Repel them.
- Plant flowers squirrels hate.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what smells deter squirrels?
Squirrels will avoid the strong scent of alivepeppermint plant or the concentrated smell ofpeppermintoil, which can be dropped onto cotton balls and placedthroughoutyour garden. Mothballs can also be used to repelsquirrels.While mothballs are deadly for moths, they are only anuisance forsquirrels.
Secondly, how do I stop squirrels from digging up my lawn?
Squirrels are not fans of spicy foodscents;hence, a sprinkling of hot spices like chili powder orcayennepepper over the yard should ward off these critters. Thespices donot physically harm the squirrels or plants butthey areeffective in deterring squirrels from chewing ordiggingup the lawn with the foul odor.
Vinegar is another naturalsquirrelrepellent that you can use to protect plantsand trees, butalso to deter squirrels from your attic. Pourapple cidervinegar into a spray bottle and spray it on theflower pots,branches, near the holes in your attic, small crevices,and wheresquirrels are frequently found.