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Asked by: Eudald Shriharsha
home and garden home appliancesHow do you get rid of sulfur smell in drain?
Consequently, how do I get the sulfur smell out of my drain?
Contaminated Sink Drain Rather than bleach, you can pour ½ a cup ofbaking soda, followed by a cup of vinegar to clean yourdrains. If you try both methods and the smell ofsulfur persists, you may need professional help. Ourplumbers at bluefrog Plumbing + Drain are trained to addressall your plumbing needs.
- Sprinkle 1 cup of baking soda down the drain.
- Follow that with 1 cup of vinegar. The mixture will foam likecrazy.
- Finish off with a teapot full of boiling water to wash it alldown the drain.
Accordingly, why do my drains smell like sulfur?
If you have noticed an unpleasant sulfur smell inyour bathroom, you are likely having some typeof drainage problem. The “rotten egg” smellis from a gas – hydrogen sulfide. This gas iscreated when bacteria grows in drains, in the ground, or insewage. In some cases, the smell is associated withcontaminated water.
“I use the time-honored baking soda and vinegartrick. Dump a good handful of baking soda into the drain,let sit (don't run any water) for 15 minutes, then pour 1/4 to 1/2cup white vinegar down. Watch the bubbles, hear the pops and fizz,and let it sit for another 15 minutes. Then, boiling water andvoila!