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Asked by: Iana Ahijon
home and garden home appliancesHow do you get rid of the smell in the fridge?
- Clean up. If your fridge smells, step one is to cleanitthoroughly.
- Deodorize with baking soda. Leave an open container ofbakingsoda in the fridge to absorb refrigerator smellforat least 24 hours.
- Deodorize with freshly ground coffee.
- Leave a fresh scent behind.
Thereof, how do you get rid of fridge smells naturally?
For easy cleaning, fill a spray bottle with halfwhitevinegar and half warm water and spritz the inside ofyourfridge. The vinegar will neutralise any badsmellsand the acidity is great for breaking down anystubborn stuck-onfood. Be sure to wipe down thoroughly afterwardsto removethe strong vinegar smell.
- Mix equal parts of vinegar and water and a little lemon juiceina spray bottle.
- Empty the fridge and spray solution all over fridge.
- Leave sit for twenty minutes and wipe everything off.
- Dry with a clean towel.
- Put a fresh box of baking soda in fridge to absorb odours.
People also ask, what causes bad smell in fridge?
The kinds of odors that are plaguingyourfridge are caused by molecules of what we'llcall"stuff," which are emitted from your food and float in theair,circulating in that small, enclosed space. When you open thedoor,those molecules enter your nose and trigger receptors thatmake yousay "ew."
Wipe down fixed parts with a cloth dampenedwithsoapy water and vinegar. Dry all surfaces thoroughlyandplace everything back in the fridge. Leave anopencontainer of baking soda in the fridge toabsorbrefrigerator smell for at least 24 hours. Throwawaythe baking soda once it completes its job.