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Asked by: Zhiqiang Tardivel
technology and computing emailHow do you get rid of tracking on Facebook?
Similarly, how do you stop Facebook tracking?
To opt out of Facebook showing youtargetedads from other sites, or from seeing Facebook's adson othersites, open your Facebook page andclick“settings,” and then “ads.” Then clickonthe “ads based on my use of websites and apps”settingand press the “choose setting” button andselect“off.”
Secondly, how do I get rid of tracking cookies on Facebook?
Go to Preferences, then Privacy. Clickon"Remove individual cookies", underlined at thebottomof the tab. Enter "Facebook" in the search bar --you'll seeall the cookies used by Facebook. GotoPreferences, then select "Under the Hood" on theleft-handtab.
Facebook Tracks Users, Even WithoutanAccount I often hear people say they are freefromFacebook tracking because they do not have an account.Whenyou visit one of these sites, regardless of yourFacebookuser status, Facebook receives an IP address,location,browser details, and more.