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Asked by: Mahayub Boetcher
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you get scratches out of polished timber floors?
Follow these steps to repair a minor scratch:
- Clean the surface. Use a quality wood cleaner to pick up anydebris.
- Use steel wool on the scratch. Only rub thescratched area, and always rub with the grain of thewood.
- Buff the scratch.
- Blend the edges.
- Use a wax stick.
- Buff the area.
- Use a paste wax.
Furthermore, how do you get scratches out of hardwood floors without sanding?
How to Fix Scratches In Hardwood Floors
- Assess the damage.
- For light scratches, lightly rub fine steel wool over thescratch.
- For deeper scratches, use lightweight sandpaper on thescratch.
- Rub mineral spirits over the sanded area.
- Fill the scratch with premixed wood filler.
- Sand the filler and wipe up all the dust.
- Seal the sanded area.
Similarly, it is asked, how do you get scratches out of polyurethane floors?
How to Remove Scratches From Polyurethane WoodFloor
- Remove any dust and dirt from the scratch with a broom orvacuum.
- Sand the scratch and surrounding area with a sheet of 240-gritsandpaper.
- Dampen a clean cloth with warm water and wipe it over theaffected area to remove any dust caused by the sanding.
A combo of baking soda and olive oil can help reduce andremove scratches from wood. Vacuum your floorthoroughly, then apply baking soda moistened with several drops ofolive oil to marred areas. Wait five minutes, then buff in gently,using a soft sponge. Clean thoroughly with a damp cloth and drywith a towel.