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Asked by: Rita Vinter
hobbies and interests paranormal phenomenaHow do you get Shadowmere to Respawn?
Also asked, is there a way to get Shadowmere back?
The only choices are: Shadowmere died.Waitfor a few days and go back to the place hediedthe retrieve him. Shadowmere should bethere[It that doesn't work, try fast traveling intothecity as horses will be at thestable].
Also asked, where has Shadowmere gone?
Shadowmere should be within the range ofDetectLife or Aura Whisper. If not, Shadowmere mighthavegone back to the place where you first got him: the poolinfront of the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary entrance, in FalkreathHold(near Falkreath, the city).
Lore:Shadowmere. Shadowmere is amysteriousundead black horse associated with the Dark Brotherhood.The horse'sgender is undetermined; it is inconsistently referredto as bothmale and female. It has glowing red eyes.