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Asked by: Yenedey Gobelt
hobbies and interests scrapbookingHow do you get sharpie off of a brick wall?
How to Remove Permanent Marker on Bricks
- Mix dish detergent, baking soda or pumice, ammonia andenoughhot water to make a thick paste.
- Wait 10 to 20 minutes until the paste is dry.
- Wipe the paste off with a paper towel and rinse itwithclean water.
- Mix 1/2 cup trisodium phosphate with 1 gallon hot water inabucket.
Simply so, what will remove Sharpie from wall?
Try isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), handsanitizer,hairspray, or nail polish remover. Wear gloveswhen usingthese cleaning agents. This will also keepthe inkfrom staining your hands. If you are working on a large areaof thewall that has been covered in Sharpie,consideropening a window as well.
- Spray the concrete with a power washer to remove thepermanentmarker stain.
- Apply a commercial graffiti remover labeled for use on markertothe concrete.
- Scrub the product into the concrete with a scrub brush andallowit to remain on the surface as directed by thepackaging.
Moreover, how do you remove Sharpie from hard surfaces?
To remove permanent marker from hard plastics, followthesesimple steps.
- Color over the permanent marker you wish to remove withadry-erase marker.
- Wipe over the area with a rag, and the permanent markershouldcome right off along with the dry-erase marker.
- Repeat if any permanent marker remains.
- Color over spot with a dry erase marker, wipe it off anditshould pull up the ink too.
- Try erasing with a pencil eraser.
- Spray sunscreen over top (don't leave on wood too long ortheremay be damage).
- Apply a bit of hair spray.
- Spray insect repellent over the ink.