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Asked by: Jody Gormanns
hobbies and interests card gamesHow do you get someone's name if you forgot it?
What to do if you forget someone's name immediately aftermeeting them
- Ask them to put their number in your phone.
- Ask for their email address.
- Introduce them to a friend.
- Wait until the conversation ends and ask a friend.
- Ask them how to spell their name or for their preferrednickname.
- Ask for their business card.
Also asked, how do you ask a girl her name when you forgot?
Throw us a solid and follow BroBible on Twitterhere.
- Introduce her to your wingman.
- Ask what her name is, but pretend you meant her last name.
- Talk to the bartender.
- Play a stupid game with her.
- Give her a reason to let you look at her ID.
- Have a 'small talk' conversation with her friend.
- Embrace modern day technology.
People also ask, how do you remember someone's name?
How to Remember a Person's Name
- Commit to listening and remembering.
- Repeat early, repeat often.
- Have them spell it out.
- Use a mnemonic device.
- Visualize the person's name on their forehead.
- Associate the person's name with an easy to rememberpicture.
Definition of in someone's/something'sname 1 —used to say that something officiallyor legally belongs to a specified person The businessis registered in her husband's name for tax purposes.2 —used to say that something has or uses thename of a specified person Our reservation at therestaurant is in my name.