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Asked by: Magueye Tzagareli
style and fashion bath and showerHow do you get stains out of enamel sinks?
We've got a sure remedy for stained sinks:Erasethose spots with a paste made of one-half cup of powderedborax andthe juice of one-half lemon. Dab a sponge in the mixture,rub, andrinse with running water—it'll work like a charmwhether yoursink is made of porcelain enamel,stainless steel, orany other material.
In respect to this, how do you get stains out of a porcelain sink?
How to Remove Stains From A Porcelain Sink
- Sprinkle baking soda or scouring powder onto the stain andscrubit with a damp cloth or scrub brush.
- Spray any stains with 1 part bleach to 4 parts water in aspraybottle.
- Remove soap-scum stains with equal parts white vinegar andwarmwater.
- Absorb grease or oil stains with a paste made of scouringpowderand water.
how do you clean enamel sinks?
Add undiluted white vinegar to a spray bottle andspraythe sink, then use a non-abrasive sponge andcircularmotions to clean the porcelain. Rinsethoroughly withwater.
Here's how to clean that cast iron sink.
- Rinse the sink thoroughly after each use.
- Dry it completely after each use.
- Clean the sink with non-abrasive cleaners. Avoid usingsteelwool, wire brushes and abrasive sponge pads.
- Put a past of baking soda and water on any stains[source:Friendly Plumber].