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Asked by: Myung Orive
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you get stains out of white gutters?
In respect to this, how do you get black streaks off white gutters?
To clean the streaks offyourgutter, do one of the following. If you have apressurewasher, try washing them off. If plain water doesn't work,try itwith a product called Krud Kutter. Spray it on and let it setforfive minutes.
Correspondingly, what is the best product to clean gutters?
Krud Kutter 32 oz. Gutter Cleaner removesblackstreaks, dirt, mildew stains and more. Specially formulatedtoremove tough soils from exterior metal, vinyl, plastic andaluminumsurfaces. Ready to use formula makes cleaninggutters easywith a simple spray on, wipe offapplication.
Spray an all-purpose cleaner on the gutterstainsand scrub with a scrub brush. Alternatively, mix together 4cups ofwater with 1 cup of bleach and add 1 tsp. of liquiddishsoap. The bleach-water mixture will also help tokillany mold or mildew that is growing on or inthegutters.