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Asked by: Lezlie Dorje
home and garden home appliancesHow do you get streaks off stainless steel appliances?
Consequently, how do you remove streaks from stainless steel appliances?
Removal of oxidized stains andeven“surface rust” can be done by using a paste madefrombaking soda and water or a cleaner that contains oxalic acid,suchas Bar Keeper's Friend Soft Cleanser. If using baking sodaandwater, use a cloth or soft bristle brush, rub the baking sodainthe direction of the grain.
- Mix vinegar and baking soda.
- Add lemon juice and olive oil.
- Stir all of your ingredients so they form a paste.
- Take a soft cloth and dip it into your mixture and rub itinsmall circles over your dishwasher.
- Cover the entire surface.
- Let the mixture sit for about 5 to 10 minutes.
- Wipe off with a damp cloth.
In this way, how do you get water streaks off stainless steel appliances?
- First off you want to clean and rinse out your sink.
- In a spray bottle, pour in some white distilled vinegar.
- Next, sprinkle a little bit of baking soda all over thesink,this might fizz a little.
- With a cloth or a soft sponge start scrubbing to removethespots.
To remove stains from stainless steel, mixequalparts of liquid dish soap and baking soda to form a paste. Dabthepaste onto an old toothbrush and gently scrub the stain alongthegrain of the steel. For stubborn stains, dab abrushinto undiluted vinegar, scrub the stain, then wipethevinegar away with a cloth.