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Asked by: Niels Schiffmann
style and fashion skin careHow do you get sunscreen stains out of white clothes?
- Pretreat the Stain. Pretreat the stained area withaprewash stain remover or a bit of heavy-dutyliquiddetergent.
- Scrub the Stain. Work the stain removerordetergent into the sunscreen stain with your fingers orasoft-bristled brush, then let it sit for at least 15 minutes.
- Wash the Garment.
- Remove Set-in Stains.
Similarly one may ask, how do you get sunscreen out of white clothes?
How to get sunscreen stains out of clothes
- Remove as much excess sunscreen from the affected area asyoucan, then blot it with a dry cloth.
- Sprinkle either bi-carb soda or cornflour over the stainedareato absorb excess oils.
- Brush off any excess powder then rub it with a stronglaundrydetergent as we mentioned above.
Also know, can you get sunscreen out of clothes?
Usually Green People sun cream can be removedfromclothes with your usual clothes wash. However,itsometimes can be difficult to remove sunscreenstains,particularly from light clothing made fromnaturalfibres.
Gently scrape to remove excesslotion.Moisten the spot with water and apply an enzymepresoak (followdirections on label). Let the stain soak for30 minutes.Flush the area with water.