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Asked by: Alexandra Moleres
medical health bone and joint conditionsHow do you get swelling to go down in your knee?
In the meantime, here are eight ways to treat kneeswellingquickly at home.
- Rest. The first step is to rest the knee.
- Ice.
- Compress.
- Elevate.
- Take anti-inflammatory medications.
- Switch to heat.
- Try massage.
- Do knee exercises.
Also, how long does it take for knee swelling to go down?
1 to 3 days
In this manner, how do I reduce swelling in my knee?
Taking care of yourself when you have a swollenkneeincludes:
- Rest. Avoid weight-bearing activities as much as possible.
- Ice and elevation. To control pain and swelling, apply icetoyour knee for 15 to 20 minutes every two to four hours.
- Pain relievers.
Causes of the swelling include arthritisoran injury to the ligaments of the knee. After aninjury,swelling occurs because the body's natural reactionis tosurround the knee with a protective fluid. This istoprevent further damage. Knee effusion could alsobecaused by an underlying diseaseorcondition.