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Asked by: Fiordaliza Duaigues
home and garden home appliancesHow do you get tea and coffee stains out of a stainless steel thermos?
- Put some baking soda and vinegar into the bottom of your flask.Pour about half a cup (120ml) of distilled white vinegar into yourstained flask.
- Fill the flask with hot water.
- Let the flask sit for a few minutes.
- Scrub the inside of the flask with a bottle brush.
- Pour out the mixture and rinse.
Similarly, you may ask, how do you get tea stains out of stainless steel thermos?
- Pour the vinegar or peroxide into the bottom of thethermos.
- Add the baking soda.
- Fill the remainder of the thermos with hot (the hotter thebetter) water.
- Let sit for several hours, like overnight. (Do not cap.)
- Dump the container and rinse thoroughly.
- Wipe out as much water as you can with the towel.
- Dissolve one denture cleaning tablet per two cups of hotwater.
- Pour it in the stained vessel and let it sit for severalhours.
- Then use a scrub brush to clean off the stains and all theloosened bits.
- Pour the solution out and rinse thoroughly.
Beside this, how do you get coffee build up out of a thermos?
“In a small bowl, mix 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxidewith 2 tablespoons of baking soda. No need for plastic goggles forthis experiment! Simply stir and pour into your stained stainlesssteel thermos. “Give it a shake and let sit for 30minutes.
Clean a stainless steel coffee mug with bakingsoda.
- Pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda into the empty coffeemug.
- Pour 1/4 cup of distilled white vinegar or apple cider vinegarinto the stainless steel mug also.
- Watch the two ingredients foam when combined.
- Twist the lid onto the stainless mug, and shake for 5seconds.