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Asked by: Radoslaw Heywood
events and attractions historic site and landmark toursHow do you get the battle star in Week 3?
To make the Week 3 Secret BattleStarappear in your game, you must first complete three of theLeftoversChallenges tied to the Urgent Missions LTM. Because thesetasksunlock daily, the Battle Star can't be unlocked untilAugust17.
Hereof, where are the secret battles in Star Week 3?
You can find the Week 3 Battle Star in theDesertBiome. It's on the Northern end of the Biome near theRaceTrack.
Beside above, where is the battle star in loading screen 3 in fortnite?
This secret Battle Star location is foundwithinthe loading screen from Week 3's The Leftoversset ofchallenges. Head to the Sofdeez ice cream shop, which isjustbeneath Paradise Palms, on the road left of the winding racetrack.You'll find the Battle Star behind the counter, besidethedrain and drinks fridge.
The Season 10 Week 5 Secret Battle Starcanbe found on the hill with the house next to Salty Springs /FatalFields.