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Asked by: Halyna Jemchugov
hobbies and interests card gamesHow do you get the Kanto starters in gold?
Because you can get 1 Kanto Starter(bybeating all Gyms and Red, then talking to Oak) and 1Hoennstarter (by getting a PKMN from Oak then goingto thePKMN Fan club in Kanto, then a guy named Steven willtellyou that Latias or Latios is roaming the game, then you go toSilphCo.
Beside this, can you get Charmander in Pokemon Gold?
Charmander Generation II The only way to trade Charmander inPokémonGold, Silver and Crystal is the use of the“TimeCapsule”. The Time Capsule allows trade“back intime” with the original games -Pokémon Red,Blue and Yellow.
Furthermore, can you get the Kanto starters in Crystal?
Accepted Answer The only ways to get the Kanto startersarethrough trading, or by utilizing theTimeCapsule.
- Chikorita. Chikorita is a single Grass type Pokemon. Withtheability — Overgrow which raises the power of grassattackswhen HP is low.
- Cyndaquil. Cyndaquil is one of the best choices to make forastarter in HG/SS.
- Totodile. Totodile is probably the best choices to start withinPokemon HG/SS.