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Asked by: Anelis Reis
hobbies and interests birdwatchingHow do you get the Rainbow Wing in HeartGold?
Also know, what do you do with the Rainbow Wing in Pokemon Gold?
To get the Rainbow Wing: In Gold: Simplyclear out the Radio Tower of Team Rocket, and the Director shouldgive it to you. In Crystal: Beat the Elite 4, catch all theLegendary Gerbils, then talk to all the Old Men in TinTower.
Additionally, how do you get the silver wing in pokemon gold?
Yes, you can get the Silver Wing in Gold,but much later than you do in Silver. When you get toPewter City in Kanto, talk to the old man near the entrance toroute 3. He will give you whichever wing you are missing(Silver wing for Gold, Rainbow wing inSilver).
To get surf in heartgold/soulsilver. You have tofirst beat the the rocket grunt inside the Ecruteak dance theater.after that, talk to the old man and then he will give the HM Knownas: "Surf".