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Asked by: Zack Pezolt
technology and computing cameras and camcordersHow do you get the SIM card out of an iPhone?
- Gently insert the small paperclip you bent earlier intothesmall pinhole opening in the SIM tray.
- Apply a small amount of pressure until the SIM traypopsout of the iPhone or iPad.
- Grab hold of the SIM tray and pullstraightout.
- Swap your SIM card.
- Re-insert the tray.
Correspondingly, how do you get a SIM card out of an iPhone without a paperclip?
Unfold one straight side, so it's stickingout.Stick the straight side of the paper clip intothe SIMcard ejector hole as far as it will go. With thepaperclip in the hole, use your thumb to press firmly untilthe trayprotrudes. It should slide out slowly rather thanpopout.
- The SIM tray is located on the right of the device.
- Insert the SIM eject tool into the small hole and pushfirmly,until the SIM tray releases.
- Remove the ejector tool and pull the SIM tray out.
- Place the Nano SIM card into the tray.
- Carefully replace the SIM tray back into the slot.
Also to know is, does removing SIM card erase iPhone?
Smartphones usually have at least two stores of memory:aSIM card, and the phone's internal memory. Many phonesalsohave additional data stored on removable SD Cardmedia.Removing the SIM card stops the phonefromcommunicating with the network, but doesn't erase theemailand contact lists already on the phone.
5 Alternatives to Traditional Paperclips
- Plastiklips ($6.86)
- Pac-Man Clips ($8.99)
- Clothes Pin Clips from Office Max ($2.99)
- Kit Clips from Russell and Hazel ($6)
- Patterned Tape from Target ($12.99)