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Asked by: Chuks Abitzsch
sports surfing and bodyboardingHow do you get the smell out of a wetsuit?
Then recently I came across another easier way ofgettingrid of the smell. Once every couple weeks,throw yourwetsuit in a tub of fresh warm water (not hot)with a coupleof caps of dishwashing detergent. Wash it and thedetergent willbreak down the body oils and wash away the bacteriathat leads tosmelliness.
Consequently, what do you wash a wetsuit with?
Wetsuit Cleaning:
- Salt water and especially chlorine can "dry out" theneoprenematerial.
- Soak the wetsuit in a tub of warm fresh water (notover120°F) for at least 15-20 minutes.
- After soaking, thoroughly hose off the wetsuit withfreshwater.
Also, should you rinse your wetsuit?
Rinse your wetsuit after every surf Rinsing at the end of a dayssurfsessions is the least you should do. Use coldfreshwater to remove all the seawater, sand and grime frominsideand outside your wetsuit.
They get stuck in and on the neoprenewherethey became a perfect breeding ground for bacteria which arein factsource of the strong, unpleasantsmells.