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Asked by: Tayyab Schniederjurgen
travel south america travelHow do you get through the Sootopolis gym in Pokemon Ruby?
Getting to the Final Gym in PokemonRuby/Sapphire
To get there you should start from MossdeepCity, surf south for a bit, then surf west. Look for white rockssurrounded by dark water, dive there and swim south into thecave. Surface in the cave and you'll be in SootopolisCity.
Also to know is, how do you get through the Sootopolis gym?
To get through the gym in Ruby andSapphire, step onto the first piece of ice, then go right,up, left, left, up, and right. This makes stairs appear. If youfall down in the first area, you might encounter Beauty Olivia, whohas a Lombre, and Lass Crissy, who has two Wailmers. Go upthe stairs to the second area.
Herein, where is gym leader Wallace in Pokemon Ruby?
- You must go to kyogre's cave and awaken it,then battle it inthe cave of origin and then finally onto the cave.
- In sootopolis city.
- Sootopolis City.
- Actually you don't need to catch Kyogre, you an defeat it ifyou want, but I highly reccomend you at least try to catch, for itis rare and powerful.
HM 07 (waterfall) can be found in the Cave ofOrigins. The PokeBlock Case can be found in Slateport City. Whencan I fight the last gym leader? You can battle Wallace after youcomplete the Cave of Origins (Same place as HM07).