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Asked by: Uberney Luikenga
sports fishing sportsHow do you get to Channel Islands National Park?
Consequently, how much does it cost to get to Channel Islands?
Visitors who elect to access the islands by planecan do so via Channel Islands Aviation. Costsvary depending on which experience you choose. Day trip flightscost roughly $150 to 160 per adult round trip, and $125 to135 per child.
Also Know, can you visit Channel Islands National Park?
You can visit any of the islands by theChannel Islands National Park ferry with IslandPackers, by plane with Channel Islands Aviation, or your ownprivate boat. There are no roads on the island. Youcan get yourself around by foot or kayak.
Directions to Channel IslandsAviation Camarillo is located 86 miles north of LosAngeles and 14 miles south of Ventura. From the 101 Freewaynorthbound: Take the Las Posas Roadexit.