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Asked by: Edelmira Aboitiz
hobbies and interests paranormal phenomenaHow do you get to valerica in the Soul Cairn?
After entering the Soul Cairn, follow the markalong the path up to the massive ruin where you will findValerica. Along the way the Dragonborn will passsouls sitting or walking about and one of them will begin adialogue with the Dragonborn and the quest "Find Arvak's Skull"begins.
Just so, can you bring valerica back from the Soul Cairn?
After completing Beyond Death and leaving the SoulCairn, if you return and talk to Valerica, shecan be asked to turn 5 Soul Husks into a SoulHusk Extract.
Secondly, where is the elder scroll in the Soul Cairn?
The Soul Cairn is a location in The ElderScrolls V: Dawnguard. It is a plane of Oblivion inhabited bysouls and undead. It can be accessed via a portal in CastleVolkihar during, and after, the quest "ChasingEchoes."
^†After Kindred Judgment, you canbecome a vampire or ask Serana to change you intoa vampire lord, then get cured. Once you'recured again, you can cure Serana.