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Asked by: Thanh Mourelle
hobbies and interests candle and soap makingHow do you get wax color off walls?
- First, use a hair dryer on a medium temperature and gentlyheatthe wax.
- With a cloth, start to wipe off the wax asitmelts.
- Mix together a solution of vinegar and water (with a ratioof1:3) and apply it to the mark. It should come offeasilywithout damaging the paint beneath.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do you get candle marks off the wall?
Wipe the stains away with a dry cleaningsponge.Such sponges can be cleaned and reused. Dip a cleancloth inrubbing alcohol and use it to dab and blot thestains ifsome soot is still left on walls. Combinethree or foursquirts of liquid dish soap with 1 quart of water in abucket iffurther cleaning is required.
Besides, how do you get candle wax off a textured wall?
How to Remove Candle Wax From a Textured Wall
- Step 1 – Let the Wax Dry. Before you try to remove it,letthe wax dry.
- Step 2 – Apply Heat. Once dry, apply heat over the waxbyusing a small paper bag and a hair dryer.
- Step 3 – Wipe the Wall Down. Finally, take a largedustingcloth and wipe down the surface of the wall.
Put a small amount of the oil in your hand and rub ontheaffected area. Take the wash cloth or the cotton wool andgentlywipe the wax off the skin. Alternatively, youcan soakthe cotton wool in the oil to wipe off the wax.Place moreoil on the area if there is still residue left over andwipe offagain.