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Asked by: Shakeel Madridano
video gaming console gamesHow do you get wisp in Animal Crossing Gamecube?
Hereof, how do you get wisp in Animal Crossing City Folk?
The player can find him randomly between the timesof12:00 AM to 4:00 AM. They must catch spirits with their net orfindhis lamp. As a reward he gets rid of all weeds in town, paintstheplayer's roof, gives out an item, or in later versions of thegame,kills all the roaches in the player's house.
Considering this, how do you get the magic lamp in Animal Crossing?
In Animal Crossing: City Folk, on certainnightsthe player can find an Empty lamp somewhere inthetown. After the player finds the lamp and returns ittoWisp, the genie will ask the player to rubthelamp in their attic, where he will offer to grant themonewish.
These coupons are obtained by completingtowninitiatives or certain achievements in Puzzle League and canberetrieved from the CAT Machine. Additionally, fivecouponsare earned by scanning any Animal Crossing relatedamiibofigurine.