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Asked by: Francia Schuelke
home and garden home appliancesHow do you get wrinkles out of clear vinyl?
Use a hairdryer on a low setting to warm up thevinyl then use your hands to smooth it flat, lay it flat tocool. Use an iron on low setting with a damp towel/cloth betweenthe iron and the vinyl, in this case pressure is moreimportant the heat so make sure you press firmly.
In this manner, how do you get wrinkles out of vinyl?
However, the creases are easy to remove with a simplemethod.
- Plug in a hair dryer and turn it on to low heat.
- Smooth out the creases with your hand as you apply theheat.
- Continue to apply the hot air from your blow dryer onto thevinyl until the creases have disappeared.
- Iron the flannel side of the tablecloth.
- Steam the vinyl tablecloth on the flannel side using a portablegarment steamer.
- Hang the vinyl tablecloth outdoors on a clothesline in thesun.
- Throw the tablecloth into the dryer for about five minutes witha small wet towel.
Just so, how do you get wrinkles out of a clear vinyl tablecloth?
How to Get Out Wrinkles in a Vinyl Tablecloth
- Dampen a couple of bath towels by spritzing them with cleanwater, using a water-spray bottle. Toss the towels into thedryer.
- Set the dryer to low heat. Tumble dry for 2 minutes.
A little trick I like to do, is to ironyour project first. You want to make sure your shirt is nice andsmooth and there are no wrinkles. Grab your multi purpose sheet andput it over your heat transfer vinyl to protect youriron. You can use a towel, a Teflon sheet, orwhatever you have.