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Asked by: Sora Quinteros
automotive auto buying and sellingHow do you get your name off a car title?
- Take a look at the title. If the title saysyour name and then "AND/OR" the other person'sname, you can title it yourself without theother person's permission or signature.
- Contact the person whose name you wish to removefrom the title.
- Send the title in the mail to the personwhose name you are removing.
Subsequently, one may also ask, can you white out a mistake on a car title?
Using white out or making an erasure on acertificate of title when transferring ownershipautomatically voids the certificate. If this occurs, aduplicate title must be obtained by the current owner andthe incorrect title should be enclosed with yourrequest.
In this manner, who owns the car if two names are on the title?
The title reflects ownership of thevehicle, and multiple parties may also be listed here. Thenames on the two documents do not necessarily match.If two people are on a car loan, the car stillbelongs to the person who is named on the title. A jointcar loan does not mean joint ownership.
You can add someone to your car title withoutadding them to your car loan. However, if yourlender is holding your title, you will have anadditional step in order to do so. You can add someone toa car title if your car has a loan.