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Asked by: Saludina Leupolz
automotive road side assistanceHow do you grease hard to get fittings?
Remove the existing grease fitting, screw in a length of grease hose to the fitting, and add a female grease fitting on the other end of the grease hose. Now you have an easy-to-reach grease fitting that feeds into those tight spots.
Also question is, how do you free up a stuck grease fitting?
Keep grease fittings and pins clean and clear of dirt, debris and hardened grease so they remain effective.
- Spray a petroleum-based spray lube onto a grease fitting or grease fitting pin, then wipe it off with a rag.
- Heat up clogged grease fittings and pins with a standard hair dryer or a heat gun on the low setting.
Also to know is, how do you fill a grease flush fitting?
Take the flush fitting out, insert grease needle into hole and pump away, replace fitting when done. IIRC the larger needles fit the hole quite nicely.
Use a high quality, high-speed, lithium based wheel bearing grease like Mystic JT-6, and grease them often. There is no such thing as greasing a u-joint too much. If you don't like the grease getting all over the frame, make yourself a splatter shield out of sheet metal.