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Asked by: Miladin Darisipudi
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesHow do you grow a pineapple top indoors?
Subsequently, one may also ask, can you grow a pineapple indoors?
It is possible, and easy, to grow a pineapple plant indoors. But, you can grow it as an interesting indoor plant and even get it to produce fruit (albeit small fruit) without letting it take over the living room. Start with a pineapple from the store. Cut the top off and trim the fruit from this small plant.
how do you grow a pineapple in water?
To grow a pineapple plant, all you need is a fresh pineapple. Pick one up at the grocery store next time you're there, then separate the leaves from the fruit and soak the base in water. In a few weeks, roots will sprout, and you can plant your pineapple plant in a container and enjoy it for a long time to come.
The pineapple plant is miserly with water, requiring only about 20 inches of natural rainfall per year, if well distributed. You need only wet the soil once a week, and when the plant is indoors, it is best to apply all the water to the soil.