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Asked by: Oiher Bota
hobbies and interests musical instrumentsHow do you grow a trumpet vine from a tree?
Hereof, can a trumpet vine kill a tree?
Though trumpet vines only use trees to climb, there are some negative effects to consider. Trees which have been covered in vines may struggle to support the additional weight, which may lead to broken or damaged limbs.
how long does it take for trumpet vine to grow?
Growing trumpet vines from seeds requires stratifying the seeds in moist sand at 39 degrees Fahrenheit and 30 percent humidity for 60 days. After planted, the seeds usually sprout within two weeks. Trumpet vines don't usually flower until they mature, which takes five to seven years.
of an inch can form roots and grow into its own vine. These segments will sprout as deep as 9 inches below ground, so tilling them won't help.