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Asked by: Mai Chabou
food and drink healthy cooking and eatingHow do you grow cauliflower from seed?
Considering this, how do you get seeds from cauliflower?
Harvesting Cauliflower Seeds To harvest the seeds, gather the seed stalks when the seed pods are fully mature and dry on the plant. Use a screen to winnow the chaff from the seed. You can store seeds in a cool, dry area for up to 5 years.
Thereof, how long does it take to grow cauliflower?
about 2 months
You can sow Cauliflower in late March, early May and early June for a long cropping season. I highly recommend sowing your cauliflower in modular trays. You can sow directly into the soil but I think you'll have better success with this method for the following reasons: Excellent crop establishment.