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Asked by: Jhoselyn Micol
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do you half and thinly slice an onion?
Slice the onion in half: Standtheonion on one of the cut sides and slice itinhalf. Peel the papery onion skin frombothhalves. Lay one half on the counter, like adome.Turn the onion so that you'll be slicing alongthelines of longitude, from top end to root end.
Furthermore, how do you halve Peel and thinly slice onions?
Follow These Steps
- Cut the top and bottom, then cut in half. Slice off anddiscardthe top and bottom half-inch of the onion with a chef'sknife.
- Peel the onion. Peel off and discard the skin.
- Slice half moons.
- Slice thin cuts.
- Use a very sharp knife when cutting onions.
- Chill the onions in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutesbeforecutting them.
- Cut the onion under water.
- Cut the onion near hot running water or a cloud of steam.
- Breathe through your mouth and stick your tongue out.
- Soak the onion in water.
- Point your knife away from the tubes.
In respect to this, what are the different ways to cut an onion?
A Different Way to Chop Onions
- Halve onion through root end and peel.
- Extend middle cut to divide onion half into 2evenquarters.
- Flip quarters onto newly cut sides, then align quarters sothatvertical cuts are horizontal.
- 4. Make vertical cuts as in step 1, starting 1 inch fromrootend.
- Cut across onion quarters to dice.
How to Slice Onions for Fajitas
- Peel the onion and cut it half, from the stem to the rootend,on a clean cutting board.
- Lay one half of the onion on its flat side on thecuttingboard.
- Position the knife on one side of the onion, closest tocuttingboard and at an angle so you are following the lines ontheonion.