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Asked by: Uday Valiev
news and politics war and conflictsHow do you handle conflict within a team?
How to Handle Conflict in the Workplace
- Talk with the other person.
- Focus on behavior and events, notonpersonalities.
- Listen carefully.
- Identify points of agreement and disagreement.
- Prioritize the areas of conflict.
- Develop a plan to work on each conflict.
- Follow through on your plan.
- Build on your success.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do you deal with conflict within a team?
Use the following ten methods to create harmony in yourteamand your project.
- Be Aware That Conflict Occurs.
- Set the Ground Rules.
- Learn About Destructive Conflicts.
- Stop Conflict When it Happens.
- Get the Whole Story.
- Meet for Resolutions.
- Discuss Both Sides of a Perspective.
- 8. Make Compromise a Goal.
- Establish a process. The best way to handle a conflictofinterest is to already have a process in place to manage it.
- Get the conflict of interest out into the open.
- Training is valuable.
- Declare your interests.
- Think about the conflicts of others.
Hereof, how do you resolve conflict?
How to Resolve Conflict
- Agree on a mutually acceptable time and place to discusstheconflict.
- State the problem as you see it and list your concerns.
- Let the other person have his/her say.
- Listen and ask questions.
- Stick to one conflict at a time — to the issueathand.
- Seek common ground.
Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann developedfiveconflict resolution strategies that people use tohandleconflict, including avoiding, defeating,compromising,accommodating, and collaborating. This is based on theassumptionthat people choose how cooperative and how assertive tobe in aconflict.